Tuesday, July 22, 2014

What's Going On?

I'd been out of state for a few days at an amazing conference to train young folks to be activists and leaders in the reproductive justice and reproductive health fields, without any real access to news, and come back to find the world has quickly spiraled even further into horribleness:
  • Children trying to escape rape and murder in Central America treated like refuse by American citizens
  • A Malaysian plane with AIDS research experts shot out of the sky by pro-Russian people in Ukraine using a missile launcher from Russia
  • Hundreds of Palestinian children and families in Gaza murdered by Israeli military

What the hell is going on?

Haven't we, as a species, learned anything?  Don't we know that we have to live on this planet together, and that what we put out into the world comes back to us?

Thursday, July 10, 2014

And then there was that time we were all fired...

The world is a wild and magical place.  Recently, all my coworkers and I were fired by an incompetent new boss.  All of us.  EVERYONE.  Meaning, there is no staff to carry out the work of the agency.  "What?!?" you may be saying to yourself.

Image via The Times Magazine
Yes, you read that correctly.  This mass firing without good cause is one of the unfortunate side effects of living in a Right to Work state, where workers have no protections against unfair firings and are not guaranteed jobs.

I've been cycling through the stages of grief, which I spent a good amount of time learning about,  discussing, and helping others through as a social worker.  But, it is one thing to assist others with this process; it is a completely different thing to be going through it yourself.

Luckily, I am fortunate enough to have an incredible family and an unbelievable community of friends, chosen family, and colleagues.  I also truly believe that what one puts out into the world comes back to you a hundred fold.  So, in the long term, I know I'll be okay because I work every day to put good out into the universe.

I am trying to look at this challenge as an opportunity for reflection and contemplation (hence the attempt at blogging).  During this period of grieving and recuperation, I am also trying to spend lots of time with people and take care of myself: eating well, going on woodland hikes, reading books (just finished Doctor Sleep by Stephen King), gardening, visiting with friends, and continuing to be involved in social justice work.

Image via SHSJC

And, of course, wading into the shark-infested waters of the job market.  Which is awful.  And necessary.  But, luckily, I have people looking out for me who are sending me job postings, training opportunities, well wishes, taking me out for lunch, engaging me in kindness challenges, sending me fun things in the mail, and being there when I need them.

What about you?  Have you had a similar experience?  What did you do to take care of yourself?  Any tips?